Please Continue Following my Work


I’d like to invite you to continue following my volunteer work and community service in Boy Scouts. I’m currently working on my Eagle project at AWARE – Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort – in Lithonia, Georgia at Arabia Mountain. Please follow my blog about my Eagle project at: Thank you for your support!

More Cool Before and After Pictures of my Hornaday Conservation Project at Dunwoody Nature Center

Me in Snellville, Georgia, June 25, 2017

I was looking through my conservation project pictures today, and putting them into photo albums.  It was nice to go back through my work and see all that I’ve done!  I found some more really cool before and after pictures, and I’d like to post them here.  Please see them to follow:

Me getting lumber at Lowe’s for the birdhouses, January 2017
Completed birdhouses I built, February 2017
Me with one of the birdhouses I built, February 2017
Before picture of one of my work areas, November 2016
After picture of one of my work areas, August 2017
Before picture of one of my work areas, November 2016
After picture of one of my work areas, August 2017
A during work picture of one of my work areas, January 2017
One of my work areas after planting ferns there, April 2017
One of my work areas after 4 months of fern growth, August 2017
Before picture of one of my work areas, April 2017
A during work picture of the previous area, April 2017
After picture of the previous work area, April 2017
Another after picture of the previous work area, before mom sprayed wisteria, June 2017
Another after picture of the prior work area, before cutting out more dead wisteria, August 2017
Before picture of one work area, October 2016
After picture of the previous work area, before removing wisteria and privet at middle back of picture, August 2017
Before picture of trail, October 2016
After mulching the previous trail, March 2017
The trail, all mulched, March 2017
Before picture of trail, October 2016
Mulching the trail in the previous picture, March 2017
Removing the log from the trail, April 2017
After picture of trail once I removed the log, April 2017
Before picture of one of my work areas, April 2017
After picture of one of my work areas, April 2017
Another after picture of the previous work area, August 2017

As you can see, there are lots of cool before, during, and after pictures of my work at Dunwoody Nature Center.  These are just some of many photos that show my work.

My Hornaday Conservation Project Follow-up Work

Me taking a water break. Some wisteria runners that I clipped out are on the ground; others in the bag. Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

For the past three months, I’ve been following up at my project site to observe the results of my work and complete any needed upkeep.  I’ve been very happy with the results I’ve seen, and hope those results can be maintained or improved.

Clipping out dead Chinese wisteria, Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

I’ve been visiting the Dunwoody Nature Center twice each month for the past three months.  I’ve follow-up on and observed invasive plant regrowth by Chinese wisteria, Chinese privet, and English ivy.  The main focus of my project has been to remove Chinese wisteria and privet, and I removed alot of English ivy after observing that it was beginning to grow into the areas where I removed the wisteria and privet.

Area of dead Chinese wisteria where mom sprayed, Dunwoody Nature Center, June 25, 2017

On my occasions of visiting Dunwoody Nature Center to observe any invasive plant regrowth, there have been plants that grew back, but they’re much more manageable now. On my first follow-up visit, there were no plants that regrew. On my second follow-up visit, there were 30 plants that regrew. Because mom didn’t bring any RoundUp that day, she sprayed them the next time we went.

On my next follow-up visit, I observed that 80 more plants regrew.  Mom sprayed those, and the I removed them on our next visit. On another follow-up visit, I observed no plants that regrew.  But, on the next follow-up visit, there were 50 plants that regrew. Mom sprayed those, and I removed them.

Area showing dead and dying English ivy where mom sprayed, Dunwoody Nature Center, June 25, 2017

During my follow-up visit to Dunwoody Nature Center last week, after removing the dead plants that had regrown, mom and I cut out more Chinese wisteria and Chinese privet, deeper back in the woods.  We cut out another 100 invasive plants.

And, because all of the rain washed so much dirt away, wisteria runners up to 25 long were exposed on top of the ground, and we cut out as much as we could.  We filled two large yard waste bags with the long wisteria runners and the 100 plants that we cut out from deeper into the woods.

Area showing some regrowth of Chinese wisteria, Dunwoody Nature Center, June 25, 2017

For the past two weeks, the weather in Georgia has been extremely hot and humid.  Last Friday at Dunwoody Nature Center, the temperature was 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity was 100%.  It was like a sauna!  By the time mom and I were finished working, we were drenched in sweat.  I drank almost 3 bottles of water that afternoon!  It was too hot!

I’ve also followed up on the additional activities that I completed at Dunwoody Nature Center as part of my project.  I’ve observed and it was reported to me by staff that the bird feeders were being refilled at least once per month.  Staff is expecting to refill them more often between Fall and Spring now that Summer Camp season is done.

Same area as above picture, showing regrown plants removed and new regrowth. I removed all of the wisteria and privet in the middle back of this picture, going deeper into the woods. Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

The bird baths, however, were not being cleaned or refilled.  I refilled the bird feeders and bird baths when I came to do my follow-up observations and maintenance during these past three months.

Chinese wisteria and privet that I removed from deeper in the woods, Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

During my follow-up visits, I removed branches that had fallen from trees, that were in the areas where I planted ferns.  I observed that some of the ferns have doubled in size, and others have remained about the same size.  All of the ferns are alive; none have died.

Same area as fourth photo, showing dead and dying English ivy. Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

I also cleaned out the bird houses so they could be used by other birds to nest in the future.  Unfortunately, I saw that most of the mulch that was used to mulch the two trails on my troop workday was washed away by the rain.  There’s mostly bare ground showing now, and very little mulch remains on those trails.

I’ve created fliers to recruit volunteers to regularly manage invasive plants and refill the bird feeders at Dunwoody Nature Center.  The fliers were posted last week.  I’ve asked for anyone interested to contact me or Mrs. Loveland at the Dunwoody Nature Center for training.  In the past, groups of volunteers – like from UPS – and individuals, come and volunteer at Dunwoody Nature Center.  Mrs. Loveland let me know she’ll make it a priority to have volunteers manage the invasive plant growth.

One area where I removed 200 English ivy plants and planted Autumn ferns. Most of the ferns have more than doubled in size in 4 months. Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

There are just a couple of weeks left before I finish up my project.  I plan to return to Dunwoody Nature Center in the future for more community service – like volunteering at Summer Camp again – and to follow-up and do maintenance on my project work.

Me in part of my largest work area, Dunwoody Nature Center, August 11, 2017

This has been a really huge project for me, and has influenced me in a positive way.  I’m even more interested in science, nature, and conservation now; and I’d like to be a biologist.  It has been great to work with everyone at Dunwoody Nature Center, and to get the support of so many people who’ve helped me along the way!


More Before and After Pictures of my Work

Trees at Dunwoody Nature Center with English ivy growing up them (before picture), December 2016

It’s nice to go back, now, and look at all the work I’ve completed at Dunwoody Nature Center for my Hornaday Project.  My individual hours of work currently total over 230 hours, with the total hours for everyone involved currently being over 600 hours.

Trees at Dunwoody Nature Center after I’ve removed English ivy from them (after picture), June 2017

I’ve made a really big difference in the environment at Dunwoody Nature Center, helping native plants, shrubs, and trees not be overtaken by Chinese wisteria and privet. I’ve also removed lots of English ivy, which wasn’t even part of my original plan.

Area at Dunwoody Nature Center before planting ferns (before picture), April 2017

I’ve also supported the environment and ecosystem there in other ways, by mulching trails and planting ferns to prevent erosion, and helping birds by building bird houses, and regularly filling bird feeders and bird baths.

Area at Dunwoody Nature Center where I planted 30 Autumn ferns (after picture), June 2017

Even though the focus of my Hornaday Project was removing and managing invasive plant species at Dunwoody Nature Center, my favorite part of the project was supporting the birds.  I like animals, and I’m glad I could help birds as part of my project.

Commitment to Scouting

I’ve earned 15 badges during the time I’ve been working on my Hornaday project, April 13, 2017

While working on my Hornaday project since getting my application approved in May 2016, I’ve continued to work hard in scouting in other endeavors.  I love Boy Scouts and I’m very committed to being a Boy Scout.  I’m working toward being an Eagle Scout.

During the time that I’ve worked on my Hornaday project so far, I’ve completed 15 merit badges, including 2 Eagle-rank badges.  I’m also currently working on 2 Eagle-rank badges, and expect to earn more merit badges at summer day camp and National Jamboree.

I’ve also participated in many scout troop events, camping trips, and troop meetings, including monthly Jamboree troop meetings.  I’ve only missed two troop meetings in the past 9 months for being sick or out of town, and one Jamboree troop meeting due to being out of town.

My scouting schedule has been so busy during the past year that I’m sometimes drained, especially with school and other activities.  I work hard in school, am an honor student in the advanced program, and do other community service projects in addition to my Hornaday project.

I’m very committed to scouting.  Besides playing video games, scouting is my favorite thing to do.  I’m happy to be in scouting, learn many important life skills, and give back to the community.

Recognizing my Project Supporters in Scouting

Me with Mrs. Kaplan after completing my Hornaday project application and having it approved, May 21, 2016, District Roundtable Meeting, Snellville, Georgia

I’ve recognized my family members who’ve helped me with my Hornaday project at the Dunwoody Nature Center in a past blog post.  Now, I’d like to recognize my project supporters who are in scouting as my leaders and advisers.

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Me with Mr. Abercrombie as I’m recognized for being a top seller of camp cards in my troop, Fall 2016, Troop Meeting, Snellville, Georgia

Mr. Dean Abercrombie, an assistant scoutmaster in my troop, first referred me to Mrs. Donna Kaplan, who is the Hornaday Chairperson for my troop’s council of Northeast Georgia.

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Me with Mr. Abercrombie, Snellville, Georgia, April 21, 2017

I met with Mrs. Kaplan soon after being referred to her by Mr. Abercrombie, and signed my application to begin my Hornaday project in May 2016.

Me with Mrs. Loveland near Wildcat Creek, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 21, 2017

My conservation adviser for my Hornaday project, who is also the Program Director at Dunwoody Nature Center, is Mrs. Holly Loveland.  Mrs. Loveland is also very involved in scouting since one of her sons is a Boy Scout.  She has earned her wood badge, and is a great adviser who is always willing to give her time, support, and encouragement.

Me talking with Mr. Henderson about my project, Troop Meeting, Snellville, Georgia, April 17, 2017

Mr. Ed Henderson is my troop scoutmaster, and he and I have talked about my Hornaday project on many occasions.  I’ve given him information and updates about my project, and let him know about all of the progress I’ve made in the past year.

There are also other people who have supported me and who are members of my scout council’s Hornaday committee, although I don’t know them and don’t know their names. They gave me ideas and suggestions for formulating my project’s final proposal.

Thank you to all of my supporters and leaders in scouting who continue to guide me throughout my project!

My Second Troop Workday

Getting ready to plant my first fern, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

On Saturday, April 15, I held my second troop workday at the Dunwoody Nature Center. My parents and I were the only people there, and there was much work to do!

Mom showing some of the ferns before planting, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

We dug holes, and we removed rocks and stones, and cut out roots from the holes before planting 52 Autumn ferns in the woods at Dunwoody Nature Center.

Planting 22 ferns in this area, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

We planted the ferns in three main areas where we had dug out, cut, and removed Chinese privet, Chinese wisteria, and English ivy.

Wisteria to remove before planting ferns, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

It was so much work, and it was hot!  I wish we had more people to help us.  I was really happy when we finished after 7.5 hours.

Mom cutting out wisteria, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

I’ve made a huge commitment to my project and I’ve been dedicated in seeing it through.  I’m not done yet; there’s still more to do.

Before planting ferns near Wildcat Creek, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

There are still 8 ferns remaining to plant later this week; and I went back to Dunwoody Nature Center today (Easter) to water in all of the ferns we planted yesterday.

My workday is done! Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

Plus, last night, I met with one of my assistant scoutmasters for my two week personal fitness check.

Me and dad have no more energy left, Dunwoody Nature Center, April 15, 2017

I’ve had a very busy weekend and I’m exhausted!

Getting Ferns from Lowe’s

Me and Manager Wayne, pricing ferns, Lowe’s, Snellville, April 13, 2017

Today, I went to Lowe’s and talked to Manager Wayne about my Hornaday Conservation Project at the Dunwoody Nature Center in Dunwoody, Georgia.  I explained to Mr. Wayne about the work I’ve been doing there and how it’s helping the environment.

Me and Mr. Steve, loading ferns, Lowe’s, Snellville, April 13, 2017

In place of the Chinese privet plants I’ve dug up, I’ll be planting Autumn ferns that grow well in Georgia.  The ferns prefer shade and will be green year-round.  I’ll be planting the ferns in the woods at the Dunwoody Nature Center.

Carting out ferns from Lowe’s, Snellville, April 13, 2017

So, I asked Mr. Wayne if I could receive financial assistance to buy ferns, today, for my project.  Mr. Wayne talked to Manager Jeff who approved a 20% discount for me!  We bought 60 ferns, totalling about $305.

Me with ferns loaded in our truck, at Lowe’s, Snellville, April 13, 2017

I got all 60 ferns today, loaded them into Mom’s truck, and will be taking them to Dunwoody Nature Center to plant during my next troop workday this weekend!  Thank you, Lowe’s!

Family Support with my Project

Filling bird feeders, March 10, 2017

For the past six months, I’ve been working hard on my Hornaday Project at the Dunwoody Nature Center.  I’ve gotten a lot done, and I’ve had support along the way from my family.

Filling a tall bird feeder, March 10, 2017

Mom is my driver who takes me to and from Dunwoody every week.

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Spreading mulch on a trail, March 11, 2017

Dad helped spread mulch on trails on my first troop workday.

Working on building bird houses, February 17, 2017

My grandfather supervised and supported my work on building bird houses.

There are many people who support me in doing my project, and I want my family to know how much I appreciate their help.

My First Troop Workday

Me, Louis, and my dad filling carts with mulch, March 11, 2017

On Saturday, March 11, 2017, I had a troop workday for my Hornaday project at Dunwoody Nature Center.  I was there with my mom and dad, and my patrol leader, Louis, came too. It was great that Louis was there!

Me and Louis going to get more mulch, March 11, 2017

We worked almost all afternoon, mulching two walking trails.  We took many cart loads of mulch to the trails, dumped them, and spread out the mulch.

Me and Dad spreading mulch, March 11, 2017

We finished what we wanted to accomplish.  The work went faster with more people to help.  The mulch will help stop erosion of the trails, and promote soil conservation.

Mom with her mulch cart, March 11, 2017

It was a great day to be outside.  The weather was warm enough to wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants, and feel comfortable.  Some rain sprinkled on us, but we didn’t get wet.

Me and Louis mulching the second trail, March 11, 2017

After my troop workday, I went to my council’s religious banquet.  After that, I went to my Jamboree troop’s camping night.  I had a really busy day on Saturday and am very tired today!